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CO2 and O2

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Q: What are the two gases that diffuese the alveoli and the capillaries?
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How does alveoli help two gases diffuse quickly into and out of the blood?

They have capillaries close to their surfaces.

How does pulmonary circulation combines two systems?

The pulmonary circulation works closely with the respiratory system at the alveoli. There, capillaries are in close proximity to the air sacs, and gases are exchanged at this point.

Which two gases are exchanged in the capillaries?

O2 and CO2

How does the respiratory connect to the circulatory?

There is no anatomical connection of circulatory system with the respiratory system. Blood capillaries come in close contact with the lung alveoli. The area of contact is about 1000 square feet. But there are two thin membranes to separate blood and air. The walls of capillaries and the walls of alveoli. Both have flat and thin epithelium. The gases readily pass across these membranes.

How does the circulatory system connect to respiratory system?

There is no anatomical connection of circulatory system with the respiratory system. Blood capillaries come in close contact with the lung alveoli. The area of contact is about 1000 square feet. But there are two thin membranes to separate blood and air. The walls of capillaries and the walls of alveoli. Both have flat and thin epithelium. The gases readily pass across these membranes.

How does gas exchange occur in the alveoli?

Gas is exchanged by diffusion. We have followed the path of the air and of the oxygen into the bloodstream. But breathing is a two-way street: we breathe in and then we breathe out. When we breathe in, or inhale, oxygen is removed from the air. Breathing also removes waste from the lungs and from our noses and mouths. How does this waste material get into the air that we breathe out, or exhale? The thin walls of the alveoli actually have two purposes. When we breathe in, oxygen passes through the walls of the alveoli and into the blood. Carbon dioxide and water vapor then travel the opposite direction. They are the main waste products that pass from the blood vessels (arteries) in the lungs, into the alveoli, through the windpipe and out the nose and mouth. In the alveoli, oxygen crosses over into the blood stream and carbon dioxide leaves the blood stream and enters the alveoli to be expelled through the lungs.

What order does alveoli lung trachea nose and bronchi go in to reach the blood?

The correct order is:nosetracheamain bronchusbronchi (two) which is part of the lungsbronchioles - tinier than the bronchialveolismall capillaries surround each alveoli and cover each alveoli's surface-- CO2 passes from the alveoli to the venous blood supply; the blood passes O2 to alveoli and into the arterial blood supply

What two gases are exchange among arteries veins and capillaries?

oxygen and carbondioxide

How are oxygen carbon dioxide and other gases exchanged in the lungs and body tissues?

In the lungs, the respiratory zones end in sacs called alveoli, which are the site of gas exchange. The alveoli have walls only one cell thick, and are surrounded by pulmonary capillaries which again have walls only once cell thick; gases diffuse, along their concentration gradients (i.e. from the area of high concentration to the area of low concentration), through these two thicknesses of cells. You can also find this on

How gaseous exchange take place in the alveoli?

We have followed the path of the air and of the oxygen into the bloodstream. But breathing is a two-way street: we breathe in and then we breathe out. When we breathe in, or inhale, oxygen is removed from the air. Breathing also removes waste from the lungs and from our noses and mouths. How does this waste material get into the air that we breathe out, or exhale? The thin walls of the alveoli actually have two purposes. When we breathe in, oxygen passes through the walls of the alveoli and into the blood. Carbon dioxide and water vapor then travel the opposite direction. They are the main waste products that pass from the blood vessels (arteries) in the lungs, into the alveoli, through the windpipe and out the nose and mouth.

What function does the right lung perform?

Lungs:Structure: Lungs are cone-shaped and extend from the collar bone to the surface of the diaphragm. The mid-line of each lung contains a region known as the hilus, the area through which blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and primary bronchi enter and leave. Each lung is divided into lobes, three in the right lung and two in the left, within which there are smaller divisions known as lobules.Function: Once the air reaches the alveoli, exchange of gases occur. Diffusion of gases takes place across the thin capillary and alveolar walls. Oxygen is passed into the capillaries for supply to body tissues and carbon dioxide is passed from the capillaries to the alveoli to be expelled from the body during exhalation.

What structural characteristics of alveoli make them an ideal site for diffusion of gases?

Three factors are ideal for high gas exchange between bloodstream and alveoli: # Large surface area- Hundreds of thousands of alveoli, each one shaped as a spherical sac, increase the surface area massively to increase the volume gases that can be taken up. # Large concentration grad.- fast-moving blood flow maintains a steep conc. gradient. # Small diffusion distance-The distance for O2 and CO2 is roughly two cells thick ie. 40 micrometres.