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temperature and rainfall

The two factors are Temperature and Precipitation.

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temperature and precipitation

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Temperature and Precipitation

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Q: What are the two main factors to consider in determining the climate of an area?
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Temperature and precipitation are the two most important weather factors in determining the plant and animal populations that can exist in an area. Temperature influences the types of plants that can grow and animals that can survive, while precipitation levels determine the availability of water for plants and animals.

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Climate refers to the long-term patterns of temperature, humidity, winds, and precipitation in a particular region. In my area, the climate is temperate with four distinct seasons: hot summers, mild springs and autumns, and cold winters. Factors influencing the climate include latitude, proximity to bodies of water, elevation, and prevailing wind patterns.

What determines the climate of an area?

Abiotic Factors

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What are four factors the determine climate?

Four factors that determine the climate of an area are distance from the sea, ocean currents, direction of prevailing winds, and the relief of the area. The proximity to the equator also plays a role in the climate of an area.

Does precipitation determine the climate of an area?

Partially. Temperature and humidity also play a very important role in determining a regions' climate.