

What are the two major actors in the immune response?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What are the two major actors in the immune response?
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What are two types of the immune response?

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What can go wrong with my immune system?

Simplyfying, there are two main problems: 1) an increase of the immune response that can lead to autoimmune diseases 2) a reduction of the immune response that could lead to both recurrent infectious diseases and cancers

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Why two major strategies does the immune system use to fight pathogens?

The two major functions of the immune system is to prevent illnesses/diseases from coming and destroying one's body and also to keep your body strong and not get illnesses.

How do you treat low immune system?

There are many different diseases which result from problems with the immune system; broadly speaking, there are two types, which involve either an excessive immune response, causing an autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis, or an insufficient immune response, causing a disease such as AIDS. There are also many different reasons why the immune system may not work correctly. However, the greatest single threat to the functioning of the immune system is the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV.

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one likes men and the other doesnt

Which response usually occurs after an individual receives a vaccinaton for influenza virus?

# antibodies against the virus form in the bloodDepending on the type of response you have in mind, two things:An immune response creating the desired immunity, or,A local response to the vaccine in the local tissue at the needle site, if the vaccine were injected.

What response usually occurs after an individual receives a vaccine for the influenza virus?

# antibodies against the virus form in the bloodDepending on the type of response you have in mind, two things:An immune response creating the desired immunity, or,A local response to the vaccine in the local tissue at the needle site, if the vaccine were injected.

What is a characteristic part of the secondary immune response?

The production of antibodies can reach a maximum in less than two hours and is maintained for a long time.

What part of the immune system is a specific defense system?

The human immune system can be separated into three "lines of defense" 1) Tthe first line includes physical barriers-primarily the skin, and biochemical barriers-mucous, sweat, stomach acids, wax, oil ect. This is considered a non-specific response because the response is not different for different pathogens. 2) The second line includes the inflammatory response, natural killer cells, macrophages, and fever. This level of defense is also considered non-specific. 3) The third line includes the two specific defenses-your humoral or antibody mediated immune response and your cell mediated immune response. In both cases your body is responding to a particular antigen or infectious agent.

What role does an antibody play in immune response?

Antigen is usually a 'Foreign' protein, usually a microorganism enered in body. It iduces two types of response 1) Cell mediated. 2) Humeral or antibody response. It starts getting produced by 'B' cell in bone marrow. It starts appearing after about 2 weeks of challenge. It give a pick response between 1 to 2 months. It can be inhanced by reapeated challenge during this period. Third challenge or vaccine given at 6 to 9 months, respectively, gives enhanced antibody response. These antibodies are very specific in nature that it will neutralise that perticular protein only. It make the protein inactive. There by protecting body from that perticular protein.