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The two groups are, Eubacteria and Archeabacteria.

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Q: What are the two major groups that scientists know about Bacteria?
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How can scientists identify specific bacteria when they are amplifying and studying the same region of DNA in each species?

Scientists already know the DNA sequencing for most bacteria. So, to identify a certain bacteria they will look at the same sections of DNA to determine the sequence. The sequence of nucleotides will then be examined by the scientists to see if they match with the sequences of other bacteria.

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Scientists began to study viruses because they had found a factor that was smaller than bacteria but could still cause diseases. This factor came to be known as a virus. At that time, they didn't have the technology to see viruses. But they wanted to know if viruses were very small cells or simply non-living groups of molecules.

What are three major examples of monera?

Sorry I don't know much but I know blue-green bacteria, which looks like algae and E. Coli, a bacteria found in your stomach.

What was the purpose to see Mars?

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Which of the planets do scientists NOT consider a major planet?

There are eight planets, which can also be loosely descibed as major planets. Below that there are dwarf planets and then minor planets, also know as asteroids.