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Q: What are the two major mechanism drives in evoloution according to Darwin?
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What is the theory of evolution?

Evolution is the change in allele frequency (genotype) over time in a population of organisms resulting in alterations of the phenotype. Change over time gives rise to the diversity of species.The theory of evolution by natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms. This is the main adaptive driver of evolution and can lead to speciation. All organisms are variations and the environment, the natural selector, preferentially chooses those with beneficial traits to be reproductively successful in the immediate environment at a greater rate than their fellow population members. As their descendents possess these traits, the alleles shift in the population gene pool and evolution occurs. Gene flow and genetic drift also cause evolution, especially in small populations, but they are not adaptive drivers.Basically, theory of evolution is the theory that explains the diversity of life. Many believe the father of evolution was Comte de Buffon, a French naturalist. However, he was unable to come up with a reasonable mechanism that drives evolution. Charles Darwin later came up with natural selection as the mechanism that drives evolution and wrote about it in his book On the Origin of Species.

How does ATP work in a cell?

How ATP drives cellular work.Phosphate group transfer is the mechanism responsible for most types of cellular work. For example,(a) ATP drives mechanical work by phosphorylating motor proteins, such as the ones that move organelles along cytoskeletal "tracks" in the cell.ATP also (b) drives active transport by phosphorylating certain membrane proteins.And ATP (c) drives chemical work by phosphorylating key reactants, in this case glutamic acid that is then converted to glutamine. The phosphorylated molecules lose the phosphate groups as work is performed, leaving ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) as products.~AP bio student~

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Darwins inescapable conclusion about what drives evolution?

"traits will be passed down into successive generations. Natural selection explains how species can change in what we might call an by adaptation to their environment; it is the primary mechanism of evolution. Darwin called this an "inescapable conclusion" that followed from two "self-evident" premises. (1) organisms tend to overpopulate a region and there are only enough resources for some to survive, and (2) every individual is slightly different (posses unique traits). Thus, the individuals within a population that are best suited to a given environment will survive and reproduce and this inheritable trait will become increasingly common in the population over time. Examples Darwin sights are that he observed subtly different varieties of finches on the Galapagos Islands, each adapted to its local environment. In addition, ancient fossils have been found that resemble modern-day animals, but with key differences that support the evolutionary model. Darwin observed that examples of artificial selection, such as dog breeding, can isolate preferred traits in relatively short time spans, and is a sensible analog to natural selection. Natural selection is also becoming a big problem for many kinds of bacteria and viruses that evolve to be drug-resistant."(Churchill)

According to Darwins theory of evolution what do organisims compete for?

According to Natural Selection organisms compete to live. Now saying that, Natural Selection encompasses a whole range of competition, from competing for food to competing for mates. It is this competition as well as adapting to environments that hones in on variation and drives the change in species.

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I am thinking that the study of the mechanism that drives the rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions, would most likely me studied in most detail in Biochemistry. This would also be covered on a smaller scale in your basic chemistry classes.

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I am thinking that the study of the mechanism that drives the rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions, would most likely me studied in most detail in Biochemistry. This would also be covered on a smaller scale in your basic chemistry classes.

What kind of chemist studies the mechanism that drives rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions?

I am thinking that the study of the mechanism that drives the rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions, would most likely me studied in most detail in Biochemistry. This would also be covered on a smaller scale in your basic chemistry classes.

. What kind of chemist studies the mechanism that drives the rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions?

I am thinking that the study of the mechanism that drives the rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions, would most likely me studied in most detail in Biochemistry. This would also be covered on a smaller scale in your basic chemistry classes.

What kind chemist studies the mechanism that drives the rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions?

I am thinking that the study of the mechanism that drives the rate of energy transfer in chemical reactions, would most likely me studied in most detail in Biochemistry. This would also be covered on a smaller scale in your basic chemistry classes.

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