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Cross-pollination and Self-pollination are the two methods used by pea plants in sexual reproduction

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Kyla Klocko

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Q: What are the two methods of sexual reproduction Used by pea plant?
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What part of a plant are used in reproduction?

the flower because it has nector bees eat necto and spread it on the ground to make more seeds whitch means more plants

How do you use reproduction in a sentence?

Reproduction in plants can be both asexual and sexual. Reproduction is used correctly in the previous sentence. It is used to describe a process.

What is the organs of the palnt?

Androecium and gynoecium are main reproductive organs fro sexual reproduction in plants. For vegetative reproduction any meristematic cell can be grown in to full plant by tissue culture. Sucker, runners, stolen etc are abundantly used for vegetative reproduction.

What is a sexual and asexual reproduction?

The term "asexual reproduction" means that new plants are created without the need for gametes. Self-pollination is not asexual reproduction -- the same plant merely provides both of the gametes used.The two main forms of asexual reproduction (apomixis) arevegetative (budding, rhizomes, aerial stems, or bulb division) andnon-vegetative, which includes parthenogenic or androgenetic seeds (agamospermy).

Sexual reproduction is used in what?

sperm cells and egg cells

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sexual reproduction

Why is micropropagation expensive?

Micropropagation is a technique, which is used to propagate plants that are (1) Threatened/endangered (2) Difficult to propagate conventional methods (3) Poor seed availability (poor sexual reproduction) The reason behind the use of the technique varied depends upon user/plant. The technique is not a expensive one when it used properly.

How does vegetative reproduction occur in rose?

In roses, vegetative reproduction typically occurs through methods such as cutting, layering, or grafting. This process involves taking a part of the parent plant, such as a stem cutting or a bud, and encouraging it to develop roots and grow into a new plant with identical genetic characteristics to the parent plant.

What is the main reproductive organ of palnts?

Androecium and gynoecium are main reproductive organs fro sexual reproduction in plants. For vegetative reproduction any meristematic cell can be grown in to full plant by tissue culture. Sucker, runners, stolen etc are abundantly used for vegetative reproduction.

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