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Q: What are the two other popular names for santa?
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What is 3 names for what ships Christopher Coumbus sailed on?

He was on the Santa Maria, the larger ship, but the other two ships were the Nina and the Pinta

What are the names of Santas elfs?

Santa dosent have names for his elfs because there two many. santas reindeer have names.

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The two most popular names for a girl in 2007 are Sophia and Isabella.

What were the names of the two elves who help MrsClaus in the year without a santa Claus?

The names were Jingle and Jangle

A ship of Columbus's first exploration?

Columbus sailed with three ships in 1492. His flagship, the Santa Maria, ran aground and sank on the return voyage, on the coast of Hispaniola (Haiti). His other two ships were nicknamed La Niña (actual name Santa Clara) and LaPinta (actual name unknown).

What two reindeer names start with the letter c?

Comet and Cupid are two of Santa's reindeer.

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The most popular names for boys are Liam and Noah, while the most popular names for girls are Olivia and Emma.

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The two most popular goldfields in Western Australia were Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie.

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north and south actually Santa lives in the north

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Some brand names for antiseptic soap products are Dial and Lifebuoy. Cuticura and Dettol are two other popular brand names.

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I think its Abigail and Emily.

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The two most popular male names in America are Joseph and John The three most popular female names in America are Jennifer, Allison, and Caroline