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The two sensory receptors of the eye are called rods and cones.

Rods are located more in the periphery around the fovea. These pick up movement very well and mostly pick up just black and white kind of stimulation. It is the rods that are most active at night. Cones, on the other hand, are used when you're focusing on something and it gives crisp and colorful pictures. This is why when you see something in the corner of your eye it's hard to confidently determine what it exactly is. The reason why the body is made up this way is because if we had all cones instead of rods, it would be way too much stimulation for our brain to work through. It would get too distracting when we are focusing on everything instead of just what is right in front of you. In addition, cone cells require more metabolism than rod cells, so the eyes balance energy expenditure with image quality.

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Rods and cones. Rods help the eye to see better at night, whilst cones detect colour.

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rods and cones

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Q: What are the two sensory cells on the retina?
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