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The two states are Arkansas and Illinois. The "s" at the end is silent in their pronunciation.

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Q: What are the two states that end with s but sound silent?
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Does mine have a long vowel sound?

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The word "silent" has a short vowel sound, as the "i" is pronounced as /ɪ/.

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The short vowel sound in "impulsive" is the 'i' as in "it".

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Words with silent first letters?

Guile is an example of a word with two silent letters. Both the u and the final e are silent, which is not to say that they have no use in the word. The u is there to ensure that the g continues to produce a hard sound and not the softer sound in the word judge. The final e is there to change the sound of the i from the i sound in fish to the i sound in bike.

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The word "vase" has a short a vowel sound. It is pronounced as /vāz/, with a short vowel sound similar to the 'a' in "cat."

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Yes. In fact, it has two. The E in "be" and the IE both have the long E sound (bee-leev). The final E is silent.

What states have part of the same name?

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The states of Washington and Oregon are probably what you are looking for.

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