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mitosis and meiosis

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Q: What are the two types cell reproduction?
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Two types of reproductions are?

The main categories of reproduction are sexual and asexual. Two types of reproduction are asexual and sexual reproduction.

What is the two types of reproduction?

sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction

Budding and regeneration are two types of what?

These are two examples of asexual reproduction

Difference between the two types of reproduction?

The main categories of reproduction are sexual and asexual. Two types of reproduction are asexual and sexual reproduction.

What is meant by cell reproduction?

Cell reproduction refers to the division of the cells which occurs and can be described as reproduction. The cell divides in to two cells through Meiosis and Mitosis which are two different ways of cell reproduction also known as cell division.

What is an example of cell reproduction?

Cells can reproduce through two types of processes. These processes are meiosis and mitosis. An example of cell reproduction can be seen when you get a scrap or a cut that scabs over. The new skin that forms in a cell reproduction.

What is mode of reproduction of monera?

There are two types of monera reproduction. One kind is Binary Fission, and the other is sexual reproduction. In the Binary Fission process, a monera splits its DNA into two. Then the DNA moves to opposite ends. After that, the cell walls start to break, which is called "cell wall synthesis." For the sexual reproduction, two moneras attach and make a new monera.

What are the types of reproduction?

The types are two - sexual and asexual.

What is meant by reproductive?

Cell reproduction refers to the division of the cells which occurs and can be described as reproduction. The cell divides in to two cells through Meiosis and Mitosis which are two different ways of cell reproduction also known as cell division.

What does type of reproduction when two cells usually an egg and a sperm come together mean?

There are two types of reproduction. One, mitosis, is when one cell splits apart to form 2. The one that you are asking about is call meiosis.

Type of reproduction that requires the joining of two sex cell?

Sexual Reproduction

Why do some types of organisms use both types of reproduction?

The two modes of reproduction are favored under different conditions.