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Meiosis produces daughter cells that have one half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. (Also the sexual cell cycle that requires to different cells)


Mitosis produces two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell. (Also the asexual cell cycle that requires only the one parent cell)

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10y ago

The regulators of the cell cycle are CDK and Cyclin Regulators.

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How is the cell cycle regulated?

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What are the two types of cell division that are part of the cell cycle?

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The two main phases of a cell cycle are interphase and mitosis.

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There two types of cell procaryotic and eucaryotic.

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The two stages of the cell cycle that is not a part of mitosis is interphase and death.

How many cells are at the end of the cell cycle?

one, then it makes two, then those two make more, and so on.

What happens in the cell cycle?

During the cell cycle, a cell grows prepares for division & divides to form two daughter cells, each of which then begins the cell cycle all over again.

How many cells result from the cell cycle?

When a cell undergoes mitosis as part of the cell cycle, it will produce two genetically identical daughter cells.

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Random (Off-cycle) and Planned

What are the two ways a cell can escape cell cycle arrest?

put a seiran on

Can mitosis produce new types of cells?

No, it is only able to replicate and fulfill the cell cycle in creating two new identical daughter cells. :D