

Best Answer
  • C-type - Carbon-rich
  • S-type - Stony
  • M-type - Metallic.
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Q: What are the types of asteroids?
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What are three types of bodies in the solar system besides dwarf planets asteroids and planets?

Several commonly found objects in solar systems besides Planets (including planet types) and asteroids are comets, stars, black holes, and moons (satellites).

Are Asteroids made up of dust and ice.?

Actually generally speaking Asteroids are heavily composed of high density rock. Dust and Ice are generally the properties of a Comet mostly because they aren't formed near the sun.

What do comets and asteroids not have in common?

Comets are Comets and Asteroids are Asteroids

How many asteroids crashed in Asia?

the asteroids crashed in Asia have 1000 asteroids

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What is in an asteroids aptmosphere?

No asteroids have atmospheres.

Are asteroids luminous?

No. Asteroids are just made of rock and metal. They do not glow.

What do you call the asteroids that wander in space?


Is a rock in space called comets or asteroids?

Asteroids are rocky or metallic. Comets are made mostly of various types of ice, although they also contain some amount of dust and rock mixed in. A rock in space might also be a meteor.

Do stars become asteroids in space?

Stars are tremendously larger than asteroids and do not become asteroids.

What are bits of comets and asteroids call?

asteroids belt

What is the eccentricity of asteroids?

it is how circular and asteroids orbit path is.