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Q: What are the types of faults for a convergent boundary?
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What Types of landforms made by reverse faults?

Landforms created at reverse faults include mountain ranges and volcanoes. Reverse faults occur at convergent boundaries and the type of convergent boundary determines the landform created.

What are the types of convergent boundary?

There are 3 types of Convergent boundaries, they are; 1. Continental-continental convergent boundary. 2. Continental-oceanic convergent boundary. 3. Oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary.

What are the three types of faults and what type of plate boundary are they associated with?

Convergent - reverse Divergent-Normal Transform-Skrik'n' Slip

Three types of faults?

The normal fault, the thrust fault, the transcurrent fault , and the reverse fault.

What are the types of convergence?

There are 3 types of Convergent boundaries, they are; 1. Continental-continental convergent boundary. 2. Continental-oceanic convergent boundary. 3. Oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary.

What are the three types of convergent plate boundries?

The three types of convergent boundaries are when two plates meet and two oceanic plate meet, or where an oceanic and continental plate meet.the three types of convergent boundaries are continent boundaries , continent - ocean boundaries, and last but not least............. ocean boundaries

What types of plate boundary?

Yes, It is convergent

What are the sub-types of convergent plates boundrys?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.

What are the three sub types of convergent plate boundrys?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.

Types of plate boundaries?

what is the type of plate boundary? divergent, convergent, and transform

What are the three different types of convergent plate boundaries?

ocean-ocean ocean-continent continent-continent

What types of land forms does a convergent boundary cause?
