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Deletion (resulting in a frame shift), duplication (also resulting in a frame shift), or a plain old SNP (change of base). You might also be looking for one which changes the amino acid coding sequence and one that does not.

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Kip Strosin

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2y ago
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12y ago

base substitution , base insertions , base deletions , base inversions

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Q: What are the types of gene mutations?
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What are 3 types of mutation?

Three types of gene mutations are substitution, insertion, and deletion. Another gene mutation would be frame shift. All these mutations can cause deformities of the gene.

What are three main types of gene mutations what happens in each gene?

They are Substitution, Insertion, and Deletion.

Name two major types of mutations What do they have in common How are they different Give an example of each?

Gene and chromosomal; both change DNA sequence that affects genetic information. Gene mutations involve a change in one ore several nucleotides in a single gene, whereas chromosomal mutations involve changes in the number or structure of whole chromosomes

What is the cause of improper functions of a gene?

gene mutations

What types of external stimuli cause mutations?

While this question should be recategorized because external stimuli do not cause the mutations that result in hemophilia, there are many types of radiation that can cause gene mutations as well as chemical exposure. For example sun light is UV light radiation wich can cause mutations (for example the mutations that result in skin cancer).

What are the two types of gene shuffling?

Gene shuffling means the genetic recombination and mutations of a gene pool of a species where genetic recombination is the mixture of parent alleles that are passed on and the mutations are the random changes in an organisms DNA that are passed on.

What is driver mutation?

The mutations that confer a selective growth advantage to the tumor cell are called “driver” mutations. It has been estimated. A driver gene is one that contains driver gene mutations. But driver genes may also contain passenger gene mutations A typical tumor contains two to eight of these "driver gene" mutations; the remaining mutations are passengers that confer no selective growth advantage.

What are types of point mutation?

The types of point mutations are: base-pair substitution, insertions, deletions, and frameshift mutations. In base-pair substitution, one nucleotide and its corresponding partner are replaced with another pair of nucleotide. In insertion, nucleotide pairs are added to a gene. In deletion, nucleotide pairs are taken out of a gene. Frameshift mutation happens as a result of insertion or deletion when more or less than three (or a multiple of three) nucleotide pairs are added to or taken from a gene.

What can changes in a gene do to a cell?


What can change in a gene do to a cell?


Does gene flow spread advantageous mutations?

Yes but it could also spread deleterious mutations. It depends on the size of the gene pool.

How can new mutations be added to a gene pool?

Mutations are added to a gene pool when a mutation (completely random) occurs in a person. They will pass this gene on to their offspring (and so on, and so forth).