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Major - Strong immunity

Minor - Weak immunity

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Q: What are the types of immunity and how are they alike and different?
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What are the types of immunity?

The three types of immunity is innate immunity, adaptive immunity, and passive immunity.

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No, they are different types of animal.

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The different types of seismic waves are alike because all three waves come to the surface at one point. Also because they come after earthquakes.

What are 2 types of immunity?

Inate, Passisive and Adaptive.

What are two types of immunizations?

The two types of immunity are natural immunity and acquired immunity. Natural immunity is the ability for the body to fight and prevent illness on its own, acquired immunity needs the help of vaccinations or exposure.

What two types of immunities?

The two types of immunity are natural immunity and acquired immunity. Natural immunity is the ability for the body to fight and prevent illness on its own, acquired immunity needs the help of vaccinations or exposure.

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they are alike because they are both woman and they are both married by to different types of guys!

How do you improve your immunity?

There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease. There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease.

What region in the immunoglobulin response to different antigens?

There are two types of immunity Humoral & Cell-mediated ; in humoral immunity plasma cells produces specific antibodies against a particular antigen that may invade the boby.

Passive immunity is different from active immunity because passive immunity?

Passive immunity is different from active immunity because it means that you can get it from another person and you can give it someone else. Active immunity is when you get it by yourself, not from another person, and you cannot pass it to another person.

Sentences with immunity in it?

Your immunity system protects you from getting different diseases.