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Peridot is a gem used in jewelry.

However, there is the "other green gem" - peridot - a stone whose pedigree can be traced back as far as the early Egyptian civilization. Worn by Cleopatra throughout her reign, peridot was one of her most-prized possessions. Since gemstone sciences were archaic at best during that pe-riod of history, stones were identified by color alone. A few scholars even believe that many of Cleopatra's emeralds may even have been peridots in disguise.Regardless, peridot has a long and distinguished history. Peridots have been admired and prized by monarchs and clergy alike. They have been used as talismans to ward off evil and for adorn-ment, finding their way into such homes as pendants, rings, crowns, scepters, and even the han-dle of daggers. Some of the largest and finest peridots may still be found in the cathedrals of Europe, although many were thought to be emeralds until the advent of gemology as a science.

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