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Isotopes are used in technology for various purposes, such as in medical imaging (e.g. using radioactive isotopes for PET scans), radiometric dating of materials, tracing the source of pollutants in the environment, and enhancing the efficiency of industrial processes (e.g. isotopic labeling in research and development).

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Q: What are the uses of isotopes in technology?
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What element is used to make a hydrogen bomb?

A hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb, uses isotopes of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium. These isotopes undergo fusion reactions to release a huge amount of energy, which is the principle behind the explosive power of a hydrogen bomb.

What are some common uses of curium?

Curium is primarily used in research and scientific studies due to its radioactivity. It is also used in nuclear power plants as a source of neutrons for experiments. Additionally, curium isotopes have been used in certain medical applications, such as in radiation therapy for treating cancer.

The various atomic weights of the same element are called?

Atoms of the same element with different atomic masses are known as isotopes. Isotopes differ only by the number of neutrons present in the nucleus of the isotopes. The number of protons is the same for all isotopes of an element (because if there were different numbers of protons, then the atoms would not be of the same element).

What are the uses of the element neptunium?

Neptunium is mainly used in nuclear reactors as a fuel. It can also be used in certain types of research and analysis due to its radioactive properties. Additionally, neptunium isotopes have been used in the production of isotopes for medical purposes.

Are most isotopes stable?

No, most isotopes are not stable. Many isotopes are radioactive and decay over time, releasing radiation in the process. Only a few isotopes are stable and do not undergo radioactive decay.

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What dating uses the properties of atoms in rocks and other objects to find their ages?

Radiometric dating is a method that uses the radioactive decay of isotopes in rocks and other objects to determine their age. By measuring the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes, scientists can calculate the age of the sample.

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What does isotopes have to do with smoke alarms?

The "ionizing" type of smoke alarms uses Americium.

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