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The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotorcenters and therefore deals with theautonomic (involuntary) functions of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. It is largely below the level of consciousness to control visceral functions, including heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, urination, sexual arousal, breathing and swallowing.

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Q: What are the visceral functions controlled by the nuclei of the medulla?
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The normal rate and depth of breathing is established in centers located in the?

The medulla oblongata, which is the most inferior part of the brainstem, contains the nuclei that regulate our rate and depth of breathing.

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I'm not sure what nuclei would do that. If you mean cellular nuclei then it would be the nuclei in the soma on the motor neuron. But, if you are asking about motor coordination, that is controlled by a part of the brain called the cerebellum.

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The main parts of the brain stem are the medulla oblongata (myelencephalon), pons (part of metencephalon), and midbrain (mesencephalon). There are also many other structures such as various nuclei and neuronal pathways.

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It depends on which group of thalamic nuclei that you are referring to.anterior group of nuclei = relay station for hippocampal impulsesmedial group of nuclei = relay station for visceral impulsesanterior ventral group of nuclei = relay station for extrapyramidal impulsesintermediate ventral group of nuclei = relay station for cerebellar impulses concerned with integration of muscle tonepostero-lateral ventral group of nuclei = relay station for exteroceptive impulses & proprioceptive impulses from the opposite side of the body below the headpostero-medial ventral group of nuclei = relay station for exteroceptive and proprioceptive impulses from opposite side of headinterlaminar + midline + reticular nuclei = participate in the arousal reactions of the brain

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Animal and plant cells are controlled by their nuclei.

Which nuclei are found in the pons?

The pons contains nuclei involved in various functions such as sleep, respiration, taste, hearing, and eye movement. Some specific nuclei found in the pons include the pontine nuclei, locus coeruleus, and the abducens nucleus.

What have two nuclei what are their names and functions?

Most ciliates have two nuclei: a macronucleus that contains hundreds of copies of the genome and controls metabolisms, and a single small micronucleus that contains a single copy of the genome and functions in sexual reproduction.

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What are extra-pyramidal centers?

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