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warm current

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Q: What are the warm current of Indian ocean?
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What are the warm and cold ocean currents of the Atlantic Ocean?

Ocean currents describe itself, a warm ocean current is warm water that has a path anything that gets in way of the path will be taken by the current same for cold water also a new tranport for the water to travel to ocean to ocean

How many currents are in the Indian Ocean?

There are two currents in the Indian Ocean. One current is name the Agulhas which is a warm current. The other current is name West Australian current which is cold water.

What is warm ocean current and how many types of warm ocean current are there?

discuss warm ocean currents

In which ocean do equatorial currents flow?

The warm, low salinity waters from Pacific are transported into Indian Ocean's South Equatorial Current.

Is the kuroshio a warm or cold ocean current?

it has a warm current

What are the names of the warm and cold ocean currents?

Gulf Stream - warm ocean current Labrador - cold ocean current

what is disastrouly warm pacific ocean current called?

Disastrously warm pacific ocean current is called north pacific current.

Is Poleward-moving ocean current is considered a warm current?

yes it is a warm current

In which ocean is the Mozambique current?

Indian ocean

Why is the Indian Ocean Warm and the Atlantic cold?

The Indian ocean is warm and the Atlantic is cold because even though , those two merge the Atlantic has ice glaciers and the Indian ocean does not have that around it. :)

A warm ocean current that alters weather patterns?

A warm ocean current that alters weather patterns is referred to as ocean circulation. It may also be referred to as a surface current.

What is warm ocean current?

Warm Ocean current is when the currents of cold and warm water pass paths. The warm water dominates the cold water causing a warm water current.