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Tsunamis are not weather related. They are caused by an underwater fault that moves the water. It has to be a strong quake to create a tsunami. The new movie San Andreas shows one wiping out San Francisco, but this could never really happen. The fault San Francisco sits on is a land fault and it could never create a tsunami.

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Q: What are the weather conditions that causes the tsunamis?
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What causes weather changes during a tsunami?

Tsunamis can happen under any weather conditions as they are not weather-related.

Why does tsunamis happen more than typhoons?

Typhooons are the result of a complex combination of weather conditions and a typhoon only occurs when all factors combine simultaneously. Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes under the ocean, they have nothing to do with weather conditions.

Do tsunamis have weather geologic or humans cause?

Tsunamis are geologic in origin. Typically they are triggered by earthquakes, but other causes can include landslides and volcanic eruptions.

Are tsunamis the worst weather event possible?

Tsunamis are not a weather event.

Are tsunamis a localized weather phenomenon?

No, they are not weather-related and usually not localized. Tsunamis are usually caused by a disturbance of the seabed such as an earthquake and can travel thousands of miles.

What is the weather pattern when a tsunami is about to hit?

There can be any sort of weather. Tsunamis are typically triggered by an undersea earthquake or landslide and are not weather-related.

What weather occur during a tsumani?

Weather and tsunamis aren't related, so tsunamis can happen during any kind of weather.

Does Tsunamis have weather?

no tsunamis does not have weather they are caused by the interior movements of the earth like earthquakes volcano etc.

How does weather relate to tsunami?

Weather does not relate to tsunamis.

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Stormy conditions.

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What are the main causes of natural disasters?

Weather [hurricanes, tornadoes, floods], volcanoes, earthquakes, avalanches, tidal waves (tsunamis), and fire