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Q: What are then hairs called that cover the fetus?
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What are delicate unpigmented hairs that cover the fetus in early development called?

The fine, downy, unpigmented hair that appears on a fetus in the last 3 months of development is called Lanugo.

What are the little hairs that cover the paramecia?

The "hairs" on a paramecium are called cilia.

What is the cover of the fetus of liquid?

The liquid surrounding the fetus is called amniotic fluid.

What is the embryo called after 8 weeks?

For the first 8 weeks the developing human is called an embryo after that it is called a fetus.

What stage does fetus grow hair?

In week 9 the fetus begins to develop fingernails and body hair. By week 13 fine hairs begin to grow on the head.

What is the developing baby called during the first trimester?

The embryonic period extends to the end of the eight week. After the embryonic period (8weeks), the developing human is called a fetus.

What is group of hairs called?

A group of hairs is called a hank or a tress.

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What are The tiny hairs in your nostrils?

the tiny hairs are called CILIA

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Are babies called fetus?

One unborn baby is called a fetus. More than one unborn baby in one mother's uterus are called fetuses. At the moment a fetus is born it is called a neonate-- or more commonly put, it is called a "baby" or "infant". But until it is born, it is a fetus.

What is the organ in which the developing fetus resides is called?

The organ where the developing fetus resides is called the uterus. This is where the fetus grows and matures inside the female.