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Q: What are thick low clouds that are a sign of rain called?
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How do you know when rain is coming?

did you see black clouds , that's the sign of rain is coming

How do you know when it's about to rain?

Well...usually you will see some rain clouds. Thats always a pretty good sign I think.

Sample sentence of the word sign?

The hotel receptionist asked me to sign the hotel register. I interpreted the heavy build up of clouds as a sign of imminent rain.

Why hasn't poaching being resolved?

if the clouds is color black it is the sign the rain is falling dawn dawn :):)

What is the definition of the word 'denote'?

Denote means to indicate or show sign of. For instance, "The color of the clouds denotes rain".

What normally happens when there are dark black clouds in the sky?

When there are dark clouds in the sky, it is a sign that a rain shower is eminent. Clouds full of precipitation are much more dense than other clouds and as a result less sunlight can shine through causing the clouds to appear black.

Why is concept called a formal sign?

because of the rain

What type of weather does strato cumulus clouds bring?

Stratocumulus clouds brings very little precipitation but they can bring light drizzle or a tad bit of snow.

Why are cirrus clouds rain clouds?

Cirrus clouds arrive before other clouds as a warm front approaches because the are the leading edge of the front. They typically form as the warm front approaches a cold front or stationary boundary.

Do puffs of clouds give a sign a tornado may form?

Puffy clouds are called cumulus. These usually indicate good weather.

What is a natural sign?

A natural sign is the ones that signifies something else by its very nature or by itself naturally. Example is what will you think when you see a rainbow (rain is over?), dark clouds (it will rain?), or big tidal wave (tsunami?)? It happens naturally. It is done by nature.

What are clouds named?

Clouds are named by their height. Strato means low so that means Stratus is a low-lying cloud. Where cirro means high making cirrus clouds high up in the atmosphere. A stratus cloud is a sign of either fair weather or rain and snow. A cumulus cloud is a sign of fairweather or thunderstorms. A cirrus cloud is a sign of fairweather or approaching storms. this is because they have been pushed up into the atmosphere by the approaching storm systems. Meteorologists get confusing when they start saying that stratocumlus clouds are coming in or that cirrostratus clouds are descending towards the earth. The only one i seem to understand is Cumulonimbus clouds which are storm clouds which often end up being thunderstorms. Clouds are named by their height. Strato means low so that means Stratus is a low-lying cloud. Where cirro means high making cirrus clouds high up in the atmosphere. A stratus cloud is a sign of either fair weather or rain and snow. A cumulus cloud is a sign of fairweather or thunderstorms. A cirrus cloud is a sign of fairweather or approaching storms. this is because they have been pushed up into the atmosphere by the approaching storm systems. Meteorologists get confusing when they start saying that stratocumlus clouds are coming in or that cirrostratus clouds are descending towards the earth. The only one i seem to understand is Cumulonimbus clouds which are storm clouds which often end up being thunderstorms.