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Q: What are things a priest does?
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What was a job of a priest in ancient Egypt?

They had to keep bad things from happening.

What are the things symbols does the priest and bishop use in the Sacrament?

a cross a fish

Is a monk a high priest?

Nope, they're two different things.

What are the roles of an altar server?

I'm 13 and an altar server in my Catholic church. The main job for an altar server is to help the priest. the priest finds it difficult to carry out mass alone. The servers carry things like candles, incense, cross, lectionary and things like that. They also take up the gifts to the priest and wash his hands and help prepare the eucharist.

What would a scribe and priest teach children?

A scribe didn’t teach. They just wrote things for people. A priest would teach the Bible, math, reading, Latin, and philosophy.

Did Nikola Tesla want to be a minister?

His father was a priest in the Serbian Orthodox Church. At that time, there two things priest wanted their sons to do which is an military career or a priest career. Nikola didn't want to be a part of that. when he consulted his father about that, Milutin sent him to college.

Why did priest became rich and powerful?

They told people many things people gave them money

Who was the explorer Martin Luther?

he was an explorer and he also was an priest a monk and a lot of other things too.

Why was no one else allowed in a ziggurat except a priest?

a ziggurat is a link between heaven and earth so only priest/priestesses were allowed in it. It is suppose to be only a place where priest/esses can talk to their gods so anyone else allowed in it, there would be no use and most likely were killed o.O (there were such things as a king priest)

What is parishable?

A parish priest is the main priest in a parish. He is responsible for running the parish, so he may have to deal with more practical things, like doing the accounts for the parish. He will also have his normal duties as a priest. Other priests in the parish may help him and they are called curates.

What does a priest do that makes them a priest?

A priest, in general terms, is needed to explain God's word to the worshippers and to talk to God for the worshippers, as in the rite of 'Confession'. The theory is that the worshippers are too ignorant, uneducated, unwilling, and unholy to obtain God's word, including His bible passages, without the intervention of a priest. Of course, the priest gets power, control over the worshippers' lives, and access to worldly things. (through the ages, I mean)

Name four things priest used to cure the sick in about 400ad?

Herbs , fasting, blood letting, exorcism