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you first need to have a dedicated team. then you will need flag poles,flags, electical tape, uniforms, shoes, music(to your show), a coach, you may also need rifles and sabres.

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Q: What are things to have for color guard?
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Is Color Guard lame?

No. But there are a lot of ignorant people in the world who project their own stupidity and lameness onto things they cannot appreciate or understand. In other words, color guard is not lame, but some ignorant stupid people will call it lame.

Does middle school have color guards?

It depends on what color guard ur talking about. But most middle schools do have color guard.

Is there a different in color guard an flag line?

Depends on where you are. If the color guard only spins flags, then the terms are interchangeable. Where the line is drawn is when weapons are added - then it is definitely a color guard.

What is the plural of color guard?

The plural is color guards.

How do you do Girl Scout flag ceremony?

A basic flag ceremony involves a flag bearer (one for each flag), color guard (any number but they usually have either four or six), and a caller. The caller usually has a script to follow and she calls or announces each part of the ceremony. Here is a basic script. Things may be added, such as having the Girl Scouts recite the Girl Scout Promise. At the beginning of an event or meeting: "Girl Scouts, attention." "Color guard, advance." "Color guard, post the colors." "Color guard, honor the flag." "Please join us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance." At the end of an event or meeting: "Color guard, honor the flag." "Color guard, retire the colors." "Color guard dismissed." See Related Links for more specific details on Girl Scout flag ceremonies.

What does color guard mean?

It's people work in obsticals called color guard using colorful flags

How do you do color guard tricks?

There are a lot of great YouTube videos on color guard skills. You can find a lot of tricks there to practice.

How many steps does the color guard halt from the commander when receiving the colors by the color?

how many steps does the guard halt from the commander when reciving the colors by the color company

What is the difference between the military color guard and marching band color guard?

A military color guard is, generally speaking, armed and carries with it the national colors of the country it represents. A marching band color guard is, generally speaking, not armed and carries with it flags, sabers, and wooden rifles used for spinning as an accent in a performance.

What is the difference between color guard and honor guard?

Depending on how far back you go, they are the same thing - color guard has its origins in the military, literally being there to guard the "colors" (aka the flag). Over time it evolved, and you have the modern color guard activity associated with marching bands and winterguards. However, as far as the military is concerned, it IS still called color guard - honor guard is a synonym, most likely used to avoid confusion. For example, at winterguard competitions, there is an honor guard to present the colors.

When did color guard start?


How many steps does the color guard halt from the commander when receiving colors by the color company?

how many steps does the guard halt from the commander when reciving the colors by the color company