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If you do not currently have kidney stones, but you've had them before, there may be items you want to cut from your diet. But since there are four different common types of stones, you need to know which one you have a tendency toward in order to choose what to eliminate. (see attached link).

If you currently have a kidney stone, I sympathize deeply. Drink lots of fluids- you need to avoid dehydration. You probably should be staying away from alcohol (especially if you're on painkillers) and cigarettes (that dry mouth thing.)

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Q: What are things you should avoid when you have kidney stones?
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How do you protect from kidney stones?

If you have a history of kidney stones, you should avoid or reduce foods and liquids that are high in oxalates. Examples include nuts, tea, chocolate, strawberrys, blackberries. Drink lemonade made from real lemons.

Does tea give you kidney stones?

Tea is good for you. It contains antioxidants which are helpful in preventing cancer. Green tea is even better than black tea. Avoid cola drinks and asparagus (or at least cut down), there is science that suggests they may contribute to kidney stones.

What is the best treatment for kidney stones?

The best treatments for kidney stones would be a diet change along with laproscopic surgery or prescribed medication to break up the stones. It is important to consult with your doctor for the right treatment plan, as there are several types of kidney stones, each with a different diet plan of foods to avoid.

List of food for kidney stone?

Though it is uncertain what foods may cause kidney stones, much research has linked foods high in sugar content to kidney stones. Drinks such as iced-tea or sweet-tea should be avoided if you know you are susceptible to kidney stones. Also, dehydration, which is the lack of water in your system, is the leading cause of kidney stones. Avoid or reduce foods that are high in oxalates. Examples are nuts, chocolate, tea, strawberrys, blackberrys.

What would be a diet to avoid formation of kidney stones?

If you have a balanced, healthy diet and get plenty of water, you shouldn't worry. If, however, you are known to be predisposed to kidney stones, you'll want to take reasonable steps to prevent it. (If, for example, one of the bits of advice is to avoid excess meat-consumption, that does not usually mean to eat no meat. Rather, it means to be reasonable and avoid excess.)See these links: A healthy dietAbout kidney stonesAvoiding kidney stonesNote also that obesity exacerbates the likelihood of kidney stones. You'll want to maintain a healthy weight.

How soon can you get another kidney stone?

Unfortunately, yes. Â?In fact, people are more prone to kidney stones after getting one. Â?When you have Â?kidney stones, the doctor should investigate to see what is causing them. Â?Often, there is no clear reason. Â?The best way to avoid them is to drink a minimum of 3 litres of water in 24 hours, and make a habit of it, because dehydration is a major contributor to kidney stones, especially in people who work hard physically in hot conditions.

How do you avoid the presence of albumin in urine?

Albumin in urine is usually the result of some damage to the kidneys, and that in turn is most usually caused by kidney stones, so if you wish to avoid this, remain well hydrated (which is to say, drink lots of water) to help prevent kidney stones. There is, of course, no guarantee.

What Medication to avoid with one kidney Im refering to otc drugs?

There are a lot of different over-the-counter drugs that you should avoid. Basically, you should avoid all of them that state a kidney reaction in the side effects.

How do you control kidney stones by food?

Once a stone is passed (or removed) it can be analyzed to see what it's made of. Once it is determined what it is made of, you can alter your diet to avoid the foods that create those types of stones.

Weather kidney beans can be given to a kidney patient?

Yes. Kidney beans are only named such because of they have the same shape as a kidney. One food kidney patients should definitely avoid is starfruit!

Why would the kidneys continue to produce excessive kidney stones despite surgery to remove them?

Because kidney stones are caused by (not only) soda. If you continue to drink it you will keep getting them. (Just removing them does not mean they can't come back.) Soda by itself is not the lone cause for Kidney Stones in most people. You should consult your doctor. Kidney Stones can be made of more than one type of material. For example, if your stone is made of calcium oxylate, the doctor will tell you to reduce or avoid foods or drinks high in oxylates. Sodas are usually not a problem for people in this group. But strawberries, blackberrys, milk chocolate, oats (as in oatmeal and cherrios), black tea are. Once you know what your stones are made of, then you'll be able to pursue your options.

Common Symptoms of Kidney Stones?

One of the most excruciating pains that will ever be experienced by a person is passing a kidney stone. A kidney stone is a small mineral deposit that develops in the kidneys and eventually passes through the entire body. If it is not diagnosed early, the only way for the stone to pass through the body is through urination. This can cause an incredible pain for the person passing on the stone. Since they can be so painful, people should always be on the outlook for symptoms that could be tied with kidney stones. In many situations, these symptoms of a stone may not occur until the stone has already passed through the kidney and is making its way down the tube that connects the kidney and bladder. For those that are already at this stage, some of the most common symptoms of a kidney stone is feeling a very sharp pain in the lower back, which will eventually pass on to the abdomen or groin. People who have a kidney stone also have reported that they tend to have to use the bathroom more regularly and experience pain during that process. In more severe cases, people may feel nauseous or even begin to vomit. People who experience very significant pain should see a doctor immediately as this could be a symptom of a more significant health issue. The treatment for kidney stones will vary based on the severity and size of the stone. For a small stone, the physician may prescribe some pain killers for the passing process and will also request that you consume a significant amount of water, which could help break it down. For larger stones, immediate surgery may be required to have the stone removed completely. Since kidney stones can be so incredibly painful, it would be best for people to avoid them altogether. The best way for people to avoid developing kidney stones would be to follow a proper and healthy lifestyle. One of the greatest tips would be to stay hydrated, as this can prevent kidney stones from ever forming. Those who are prone to getting them should consume plenty of water and avoid foods that are high in sodium.