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Q: What are those meaningful words which can be read both the way?
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heat,hate..totally two meaningful words can be formed

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A homophone for "reed" is "read." Both words sound identical but have different meanings.

What is an example for meaningful?

The most common definition for "meaningful" is having great value or importance. You could use it in this way: The couple had a meaningful conversation. This implies that the couple probably spoke about some very relevant issues and had a clear understanding of each other. "Meaningful" could also mean having a clear purpose. You can see this definition used here: The survey given to one hundred random consumers did not show any meaningful data. In other words, the survey was useless, or purposeless, and a waste of time. Finally, "meaningful" could also mean expressing emotions and thoughts without using words. In this case, you could use the word in this way: The husband gave his wife a meaningful look at the end of their intimate anniversary dinner. The husband is displaying devoted love, compassion and understanding, or any other emotion the wife can read from his facial expression.

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I can read those words and frankly humans disgust me so i wouldn't really know about those fools

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EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.

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What is look at words and understand them?

It is called reading and comprehension. Reading alone is not sufficient to comprehend what you read. The ability to read is simply the ability to translate combinations of symbols, but comprehension comes from understanding what those combinations signify. When we read words we do not understand we look them up in a dictionary and infer their meaning from their context. Only by comprehending what we read can we fully understand the words that are written.

Words can read from both sides are called?

It is called a Palindrome, if you're talking about words such as Bob, Hannah, Sis, Level and Racecar

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They are palindromes; they read the same both ways.

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because he thinks its something meaningful and he wanted them to hear it