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Q: What are those things called that you tie between trees and then lay on?
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What are the trees called that you see at the beach?

If you mean the trees that are usually shown in those postcards of tropical paradises, they're called palm trees.

What are the trees in the temperate zone called that lose their leaves at the end of the growing season?

Those trees are known as deciduous trees.

What are those seeds that have like helicopters things called?

Helicopters, any veriety from Apache to Black Hawk. JK, jk. They are maple seeds.

Why is a koala called arboreal?

Arboreal refers to animals which live in trees. Koalas are arboreal because they spend most of their time in trees, And are adapted to living in trees and getting all their food and moisture needs from those trees. The only time they walk on the ground is when they move between trees within their home range.

Why are trees called the livings of the earth?

Trees are called living things because they breath, they eat, and they reproduce. Very good question I must say.

Describe 2 interactions between living things and non-living things in an ecosystem?

Non living things in an ecosystem is called abiotic(ex: rocks, water, sticks.). The livening thing in an ecosystem is called biotic (ex: animals, trees, plants.).

The study of fruit trees is called?

Botony is the study of trees. i don't know the study of fruit though.

What is it called when there are things in the environment that are helpful to people?

These are called resources if you are meaning, for example, trees for wood or water.

What are the trees or grass called on top of potatoes?

That is kinnda a stupid question. Because there are no trees on top of a potato. Although there are root like things called the eyes of a potato.

What are the stringy things called that fall off of Live Oak Trees?

kat kins

What are those trees called which do not shed leaves in winter?

the tree your thinking of is called the ever green plant such as the pine tree

Scientific name for trees that don't lose their leaves?

Those are called artificial trees. Evergreen trees do not lose all their leaves at the same time, but DO lose leaves (needles).