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the three adaptains of an animal are eyes nose and mouth

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they eat

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Q: What are three behavioral adaptation of a striped skunk?
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How the behavioral adaptation of the three toed sloth helps it to survive?

It sleeps in the night to gain energy

What kind of skunk would you find in Canada?

Yes! ... they inhabit the higher offices of government.

When was Three-striped night monkey created?

Three-striped night monkey was created in 1811.

What does behavioural adaptation mean?

A behavioral adaptation is something that an animal has to do in order to survive. like some animals migrate becaus its to cold or some animals play dead to fool their predatorsan adaptation that helps an organism enhance either survival or reproduction

What are the adaptation of the lemur?

Even as a proffessor of anatomy at Sydney University, I have extensively studied a broad range of animals, including the colugo (flying lemur), however i only know of three adaptations. 2 of which are structural and one behavioral adaptation which could also be physiological. The two structural adaptations of the colugo of South East Asia are its large eyes which allow it to see and hunt more efficiently at night and the membrane (patagium) that goes around its whole body allowing it to glide from tree to tree and hunt more efficiently. The behavioral adaptation is that the colugo is nocturnal, yet this could possibly even be a physiological adaptation on the colugo, not a change in its behaviour in response to different foods available in different times throughout the day and night. If anyone has 1 more behavioral adaptation it would really help me out as a student asked me the same thing and I would prefer to not look a fool. So if anyone knows another behavioral adaptation of the colugo (flying lemur) of South-East Asia please post it OMG i cant belive that coolieo Not sure about behavioral but camouflage counts as an adaptation, right? ?? ^_^If you are a professor of anatomy, shouldn't you be reading primary literature to determine the behavioral / structural / physiological adaptations of mammals?

What are the three types of adaptation?

Adaptation is a process where a population becomes better suited to survive in it's environment. The three types of adaption are as follows: Morphological Adaptation: The actual structure of an animal's body parts that adapts to its environment. For example, birds have certain beaks that allow them to adapt to the types of foods they eat. Behavioral Adaptation: This can be passed along through genetics. Good examples are birds flying south for winter or squirrels nesting. Physiological Adaptation: This describes how the body works and adapts. For example, it could be that cows have specific digestive procedures to help digest the grass and food they eat. A change in the animal's diet can lead to a physiological adaptation.

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For a given species, the three alternatives to selective pressures are adaptation, migration, and _____________.

What is the king cobra three behavioral adaptations?


What are the three behavioral sciences?

Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology

What are three pyhical adaptation for a fish?

it has a jkfio3h3erfomjob

What is the problem if your house has been smelling like a dead skunk for three days?

do something about it

What are three examples of defense mechanisms?

the shell of a turtle. the smell of a skunk. the camouflage of a chameleon.