

What are three examples of frequency?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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If I go to my friend's house often then my frequency is more.

The frequency stands for the pitch. Mostly ladies have high frequency voice

Violet has highest frequency and red the lowest as far as the visible region is concerned.

If there in no frequency aspect in sound then no chance of enjoying music

Same way if there is no frequency aspect in case of light then we would have lost of enjoying colourful scenery.

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Q: What are three examples of frequency?
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If frequency is multiplied by three, wavelength is divided by three. Higher frequency, shorter wavelength.

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frequency is how often a number or other piece of data occurs. if the data was 1,1,1,3,4,4,5. then the frequency for one would be three. the frequency for three would be one the frequency for four would be two and the frequency for five would be one.

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FREQUENCY(data_array, bins_array). See related links for details and examples.

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Examples: frequency, intensity, wavelength.

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The frequency of the earth's orbit around the sun: 1 year The frequency of the earth's rotation on its axis: 1 day.

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What are the examples of of frequency?

never rarely sometimes often usually always

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It doubles three times. Every time you go up an octave, the frequency doubles.

What frequency rate is used for three phase operation?

Can be any frequency but is most likely to be the grid frequency - 50/60 Hz.

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