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Being able to catch prey, Avoid Being eaten, Adapting to their environment.

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Q: What are three factors that might kill off less well-adapted individuals struggling to survive in a population?
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What are three factors that might kill off less well adapted individuals struggling to survive in a population?

Being able to catch prey, Avoid Being eaten, Adapting to their environment.

Selective pressures created by environmental factors can lead to success of individuals in a population?


Identify density-dependent limiting factors and explain how they affect a population.?

- Density-dependent limiting factors that are based on population and are affected by the number of individuals.  competition, predation, and parasitism  

What is an example of an open population in science?

a population where all 4 factors affect the population or Group of individuals organisms that belong to the same species that live in the same area

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Genetic and environmental factors shape us as individuals.

Which of these conditions should completely prevent the occurence of natural selection in a population over time?

All varation between individuals is due only to environmental factors

What are the similarities between density-dependent factors and density- independent factors?

Density dependent factors are factors that depend of the population (density). Such as food, water, and space Density Independent factors are factors that the population (density) depends on. Such as weather, natural disasters and random occurances.

What are four abiotic factors affecting population?

Abiotic Factors that affect population include:TemperatureWindMoistureSoil TypeElevationLatitudeTopography

What are Population control factors whose effects increase as the size of the population increases?

limiting factors

What Factors affect population?

Factors that affect population size include birth rates, death rates, immigration, and emigration. Additionally, access to healthcare, socioeconomic factors, education, and environmental conditions can influence population growth or decline. Government policies and urbanization also play a role in shaping population changes.

What are the factors responsible for population growth?

two factors that are responsable for determining "population growth" are birthrate and deathrate.

What are limiting factors in population growth?

Some limiting factors in population growth are food, water and space !!!!