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Chicken, Rice, S\Karl Tries french freis, button, and dipstick lick the wrapperz yo. peace out. Chicken, Rice, S\Karl Tries french freis, button, and dipstick lick the wrapperz yo. peace out.

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Rorqual, also more commonly known as the blue whale

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Q: What are three groups of Baleen whales?
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What are they 2 groups of whales?

Baleen whales, and toothed whales are two groups of whales.

What whales are there?

There are two groups of whales: baleen and toothed. Baleen whales consist mostly of roquals who have streamlined bodies and are capable of fast speeds for short bursts. Gray and Right whales are baleen but in a separate family of their own. There are several groups of toothed whales: ocean dolphins, river dolphins, belguas and narwhals, beaked whales, sperm whales, and porpoises.

Are baleen whales more social then toothed whales?

Baleen whales are less social than toothed whales baleen whales are normally found in small groups or alone where as the killer whale a species of toothed whale is noted to be very playful and inquisitive of humans and are very social creatures who live in large pods.

Are bowhead whales baleen whales?

Bowhead whales are baleen whales.

Are humpback whales toothed or baleen whales?


Does a Rorual Whale belong to the toothed whales or Baleen whales?

Baleen Whales.

Are tothed whales bigger then baleen whales?

baleen whales are much larger than toothed whales

Are baleen whales warm blooded?

All whales incl baleen whales are warm blooded.

Are right whales baleen whale?

Yes, right whales are baleen whales. They have no teeth. They have baleen, whalebone, to strain out water and keep in plankton, krill and shrimp to swallow and eat.

Are toothed whales or baleen whales bigger?

Baleen whales are technically larger than tooth whales because the blue whale is the largest animal on the planet, but the sperm whale, which is a tooth whale, is pretty large.The baleen whales are normally larger, except for the sperm whale, which can be as long as many baleen whales.

Are Baleen whales and Blue whales the same?

Definition for Baleen Whale: Any whale that has baleen or is a odontocetes whale.So, they are not technically same thing, but a blue whale is a type of baleen or odontocetes whale. This is because other whales have baleen, such as the Right Whale.

DO minke whales have teeth or do they have baleen?

Minke whales are baleen whales, not toothed ones. Hope this helped.