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Q: What are three materials that reflect light well enough for you to see yourself?
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What materials reflect all light?

All materials reflect light. if u can see it then the light refelcts off that and into ur eyes

What are some materials that are reflective?

all materials reflect light, which makes color but more atomically dense materials reflect light better

Name three materials that can reflect light?

Three materials that reflect light are glass, any shiny surface, and concrete.

What materials reflect light best?


What are five materials that do not reflect light?

Wood, Plastic,Cotton,Paper and Fibre are 5 materials that don't reflect light.

What materials only absorb and reflect light?


Does a meteor emit light or reflect light?

Yes. A meteorite is a rock from space that had hit the ground. Meteorites are not hot enough to glow, but they are made either of metal or similar materials to rocks on Earth, so they reflect light.

What are some materials that do NOT reflect light?

All materials reflect light to some extent. Those which reflect it least have matte black surfaces, so this is often a function of how the substance is prepared rather than what it's made of.

Why can't dirty things reflect light?

because some stuff doesn't reflect light. most dirty things probably don't have those materials.

Why opaque materials do not allow light to pass through them?

They reflect or absorb light and thus do not allow light to pass through.

What materials are poor reflectors?

A reflector is a, usually large, sheet of reflective material to reflect light into shadows of an object. Materials such as metals reflect light, whilst materials such as wood and paper do not.

Why is a planet a non luminous object?

Planets are not hot enough to emit their own light. They only reflect light.