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quantities in nature that are a function of time.

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2w ago
  1. Velocity: the rate at which an object's position changes with respect to time.
  2. Temperature: a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system, which can change over time.
  3. Stock Market prices: fluctuate over time due to various economic factors and events.
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11y ago

only know 2 they are height and size

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Q: What are three quantities that depend on time?
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Fundamental quantities are those which do not depend on other quantities. (i.e. temperature, mass, length)Derived quantities are those which depend on fundamental quantities. (i.e. force, volume, density)

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independent variables are quantities which are not affected by another quantities...for eg. time....mass of a stationary body etc....whereas dependent quantities depend on other physical quantities like weight of a body that at any instant of time depends on the height at which the object is located above surface of earth

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The answer will depend on (a) whet the dimensions of the two quantities are, and (b) what the missing operator between the two quantities is.

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Length, mass, and time are the three fundamental dimensions on which the measurement of all physical quantities is dependent.

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Basic quantities are independent and cannot be derived from other physical quantities, such as length, time, and mass. Derived quantities are those that are defined in terms of basic quantities, like speed, which is derived from length and time. Basic quantities are the building blocks for deriving other quantities, while derived quantities depend on basic quantities for their definition.

What are the examples of base quantities and derived quantities?

Examples of base quantities include length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity. Derived quantities are those that are defined in terms of base quantities, such as velocity (length/time), acceleration (length/time^2), force (mass * acceleration), and energy (mass * (length^2/time^2)).

Where is the shadow at 6 pm?

That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.That will depend on where in the world you are and what time of the year it is.

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there are three types of quantities:-1.Scalar quantities - Scalarsare quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.2.vector quantities - Vectorsare quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.3.Tensor quantities - tensors are quantities that are fully described by magnitude, direction and the plane thecomponent acts on.

What do you use to measure white sugar?

a measuring cup or spoon or scales or bucket, it depend on what quantities you are measuring.

What are derived quantities what are the fundamental quantities?

Fundamental quantities are quantities that can be measured such as mass, length and temperature. Derived quantities are quantities that has to be calculated such as pressure, volume and work done.AnswerThe SI does not define 'fundamental quantity', instead it uses the term 'Base Unit'. All other units are 'Derived Units', so-called because they are each derived from combinations of Base Units.