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Q: What are three tasks that a geologist completes most days?
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How much of its orbit does the moon complete in one earth day?

There are three different "Earth days". I will point you to a couple of links that have information about "Earth days", and lunar orbit information. Roughly, the Moon completes one orbit in 28 days, so it completes 1/28th of its orbit.

What planet takes 225 days to orbit the sun?

VenusIt completes one orbit around the sun in about 224.7 Earth days.

How many days completes a week?

According to my calclatour, it is 7

Which planet completes its roation in 59-60 Earth days?

It takes Mercury 58.65 earth days day to rotate so that would probly be the closest to 59-60 earth days

How many months does the moon take to complete its orbit?

The moon completes an orbit relative to the Earth in 27.32 days. It also completes an orbit relative to the sun in 365.24 days on the average.

Which planet completes its rotation in 59-60 Earth days?


Is the moon rotating faster than earth?

No. The moon rotates much slower than Earth. Earth completes a rotation once every days. The moon completes a rotation once every 27 days.

How long does it take for the moon to completes its revolution around earth?

27.32 days

How many days does the sun completes its rotation?

noah is a big fat teerd

If you have 10 tasks to complete how many days will it take if you spend 5 days on each task?

50 days 10 tasks x 5 days/task

Explain why the moon repeats phases every 29.5 days but completes an orbit in 27.3 days?

This is because the moon's orbit accounts for the extra days.

If you have 10 tasks to complete to finish a project how many days will you need to spend working on this course if you spend five days on each task?

10 tasks x 5 days per task = 50 days