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Q: What are three types of objects that affect light differently?
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Why can a white light be split up?

"White" is not a single wavelength of light. It is at least three wavelengths of light to which our eyes are attuned. Matter treats each wavelength differently, so it is possible / likely that a given transparent material will separate the individual colors differently with refraction.

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Air, Water, and Light

What are three primary light colors of white light?

Red, Blue and Green are the three primary colors of our white light.Above mentioned colors can be mixed differently to get shades of all the colors in visible spectrum.White light is seen all the incident light is reflected from the source.

What are the three aspects of light that affect plant growth?

intensity duration quality

What three types of materials affect the behavior of light?

The type of light, the distance it has to travel and the substance that it passes through.

In which three categories can most materials be classified based on what happens to light that's strikes the material?

Transparent materials allow light to pass through, Opaque objects completely stop the passage of light, Reflecting surfaces will reflect the light, and translucent objects allow the light to pass, but in a diffuse manner.

What three objects make a light bulb glow?

A power source (of electricity), a means to transport this power (conductors/wires), and the light bulb itself

Why do molecules absorb light?

Molecules absorb light because of what light does to their electrons. It can cause a molecule's electrons to become excited and then changes from a full shell to an anti-bonding shell depending on how much light is absorbed.