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1) To separate bacteria and dirt from water

2) To ensure that air is free of dust and other substances

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2w ago

Filters are commonly used to separate solids from liquids, such as when making coffee. They can also be used to remove impurities from liquids, like in the water purification process. Additionally, filters are used to separate larger particles from smaller ones, as seen in the separation of sand from water.

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Q: What are three uses of filters to separate components of mixtures?
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A clear liquid in an open container is allowed to evaporate and after three days a solid is left in the container so was the clear liquid an element a compound or a mixture and how do you know?

The clear liquid was most likely a mixture since only mixtures can separate through evaporation to leave behind the components in their original forms. Elements and compounds do not separate this way. The solid left behind may indicate that one of the components in the mixture had a lower boiling point than the others.

If mixture contains water solid calcium carbonate rock chips and a light oil. How would you separate and keep all three components?

You can first decant the oil layer from the mixture since it will float on top. Then, you can filter out the solid calcium carbonate rock chips from the water using a filter paper. Finally, you can evaporate the water to separate it from the dissolved impurities and obtain all three components separately.

What are the characteristics of mixtures?

Mixtures are made up of two or more substances that are physically combined. They can be separated by physical means such as filtration or evaporation. Mixtures do not have a fixed composition and the properties of the components can be observed individually.

What are three ways to mix mixtures faster?

Increase agitation: Stirring or shaking the mixture more vigorously and frequently can help mix the components faster. Increase temperature: Heating the mixture can increase the speed of molecular movement, helping the components mix more quickly. Use smaller particle sizes: Breaking down the components into smaller particles can increase their surface area and enhance mixing efficiency.

Is a solution a part of mixture?

A solution is simply a type of homogenous mixture. There are three common types of homogenous mixtures: suspension mixtures, colloids, and solutions. A solution consists of the smallest particles of these three, and those particles are dissolved in a liquid. The substance that dissolves is called the solute, and the substance in which they are dissolved is called the solvent. So a solution is a type of mixture, not a part.

Related questions

Can mixtures be separated much more easily than compounds?

Usually mixtures are easiest to separate into their substances.

List three mixtures commonly used to separate mixtures into their component substances?

Filtration, distillation, crystallization. Sublimination or chromotography could be used as well.

Rhetoric can be understood by thinking about three separate components?

Ethos, logos, and pathos

What are the three mixtures?

The three mixtures are: Solutions, Suspensions and Colloids.

What are the main components of extractor hoods?

Extractor hoods are mechanical fans used to remove grease and fumes from the air. The three main components are grease filters, a capture panel, and a fan for ventilation.

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How do you separate a liquid mixure of three different substances?

One easy way to separate mixtures into different substances is by freezing them. Once each substance has reached its freezing point, you can cut the substances a part.

A clear liquid in an open container is allowed to evaporate and after three days a solid is left in the container so was the clear liquid an element a compound or a mixture and how do you know?

The clear liquid was most likely a mixture since only mixtures can separate through evaporation to leave behind the components in their original forms. Elements and compounds do not separate this way. The solid left behind may indicate that one of the components in the mixture had a lower boiling point than the others.

What types of jacuzzi filter cartridges are there?

There are three types of filters - Diatomaceous Earth Filters, Sand Filters, and Cartridge Filters.

3 characteristics of mixture from pure substance?

Mixtures can be separated into their components physically, whereas pure substances cannot be separated by physical means. Mixtures do not have a fixed composition and can vary in their ratios of components, while pure substances have a specific chemical formula. Mixtures can be heterogeneous or homogeneous, depending on the distribution of their components, while pure substances are always homogeneous.

What are three properties of a mixture?

the properties of mixturesare the mixtures thatmixed to the mixtures thatyou are mixing.....DID YOU UNDERSTAND CLASSIF YOU DONT UNDERSTANDBETTER TO GO OUT.....FROM: ROLIZON IBEA

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