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Q: What are three ways to measure plate movement?
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What are three ways plates move?

There are three ways that tectonic plates can move. There is divergent movement, or separating, convergent movement, or coming together, and transform movement, or sliding along each other.

What ways does plate movement contribute to shaping the earth?

when the plates break apart, it makes new land.

What are the 3 ways of plate movement?

That is easy there are acctuaslly 4 they are convergent,covergent subduction, divergent, and transform.

What are three ways tectonic plate move at their boundaries?

Up, down, and sidewise.

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Movement, waves, and sunlight

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What are three ways mountains can form along plate boundaries?

Transform, Divergent, and Convergent

What are three ways mountains form along plate boundaries?

Transform, Divergent, and Convergent

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Pounds or kilograms, inches and centimeters.

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I found four ways, so take your pick :) 1) measure the uptake of CO2 2) measure the production of O2 3) measure the production of carbohydrates 4) measure the increase in dry mass

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Three means are that earthquake are crustal movement,historic evidence and changes in electrical conductivity.

What are the three ways one can measure matter?

Hieghth, Width, and Depth; or Size, Wieght,and Placement.