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Q: What are tubes inside the kidneys where urea and water diffuse from the blood?
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What are the tubes called inside the kidneys?

The tubes from the kidneys to the bladder are called ureters.

What are the tubes inside the kidneys the called?


What makes the blood flow inside the tubes or blood vessel?

Contractions and relaxation of heart chambers make the blood flow inside the tubes or blood vessel.

How many tiny tubes are in a kid kidnes?

There are millions of the tiny tubes in each of the kidney to carry blood and other nutrients both inside and outside of the kidney. The artery basically divides into many tiny blood vessels throughout the kidney.

Where is the renal system located?

The renal or urinary system, comprising the kidneys, bladder and connecting tubes, is located in the back of the abdomen (kidneys) and inside the pelvis near the groin (bladder, urethra). The bladder is connected to the kidneys via a pair of tubes called ureters.

How many miles of tiny tube are in each of your kidneys?

There are millions of the tiny tubes in each of the kidney to carry blood and other nutrients both inside and outside of the kidney. The artery basically divides into many tiny blood vessels throughout the kidney.

What makes the blood flow inside the tube or blood vessels?

Contractions and relaxation of heart chambers make the blood flow inside the tubes or blood vessel.

who made pee?

Your kidneys make urine by filtering wastes and extra waterwater from your blood .the waste called urea.your blood carries it to the kidneyskidneys.from the kidneys, urine travels down to thin tubes called ureters to the bladder

What is the name of the liquid waste which the kidneys pull from the blood?

The liquid that is filtered by the kidneys and then stored in the bladder is called urine. Contrary to popular belief, when urine exits the body, it is NOT sterile.

Where is the renal artery found?

There is no single tube or group of tubes entering the kidneys. There are millions of tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, and the kidneys take non-useful or toxic materials out, along with enough water to create urine.

Do veins have a lot of space inside?

Yes they are tubes. They are filled with blood.

Why do your kidneys hurt when you have your period?

Maybe it's the filopian tubes instead of your kidneys