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Compounds are pure substances composed of atoms bonded together chemically in definite proportions. Mixtures are not pure substances and the components of a mixture are not chemically bonded and can be present in many different proportions.

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12y ago

The difference in temprature and the difference in real volatility those are common ways to separate mixture.

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Two or more compounds mixed together?

A mixture of compounds is when two or more compounds are mixed together. For example, saltwater is a mixture of compounds because it is a mix of two compounds: salt and water.

How mixture relate to substance?

A mixture contain two or more substances (chemical compounds).

What is a mixture is made of?

A mixture is made of two or more compounds, without chemical bonds.

Is vinegar or element or mixture?

Vinegar is a mixture of two compounds --> Water and Acetic acid.

How are compounds and mixtures similar?

A mixture contain two or more compounds.

What is the difference between a substance and a mixture in terms of separation?

A mixture contain two or more compounds; these compounds can be separated with less or more difficulties.

What are mixtures and soultions?

Mixture are formed by two or more compounds mixed, but these compounds doesn't react.Solution is a homogeneous mixture formed from a solute and a solvent.

Does Mixture may consist of elements and compounds?

Yes, a mixture may consist of elements and compounds. A mixture is formed when two or more substances are physically combined without forming a new substance, so it can contain elements and compounds in various proportions.

What can compounds do that mixtures cant?

A compound is a simple substance, a mixture is formed from two or more compounds.

Do two or more substances form a mixture?

Actually a substance is further divided into elements and compounds. So we say that two or more elements or compounds form a mixture, which I think can also be stated as: Mixture is a result of two substances constituted together.

Two or more compounds mixed togather is called?


What two or more elements or compounds physically together?

a Mixture