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Examples: CH4 and C2H6, CuCl and CuCl2, NaO and Na2O, etc.

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Q: What are two compounds that differ by the number of atoms present but have the same elements in their formula?
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How does a compounds formula differ from a model?

A compound formula shows which elements are in that compound and how many; whereas, a model shows the bonds that are involved.

How does elements differ to compounds?

Elements are single, however compounds are made up of two or more elements.

How do elements differ from the compounds they form?

they don't

How does combining elements into compounds affect their properties?

The properties of the compound will differ from the properties of the elements of which it is made.

How do compounds differ from elments?

Compounds is a pure chemical substance made of two different elements. Elements is pure chemical substance containing only one atom.

How do compounds differ from elements?

Compounds are made up of 2 or more elements.Compounds can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, but elements cannot.Compounds are made up of 2 or more elements. Compounds can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, but elements cannot.

How does the empirical formula differ form the molecular formula?

the empirical formula does not include the # of atoms present in an element and the molecular formula does.

How do elements differ from other materials?

Elements contain only one type of atom, where as compounds are made up of different types of atoms.

How do the four major organic compounds differ?

They differ in some of the elements from which they are made and are:- 1 Carbohydrates 2. Lipids 3. proteins 4. Nucleic Acids

How do compounds differ from different?

An atom is the smallest particle there can be and can't be broken down any further while compounds are composed of two or more different atoms of elements.

How do atoms differ from compounds?

An atom is the smallest particle there can be and can't be broken down any further while compounds are composed of two or more different atoms of elements.

How two present answer sheets?

structure is a type of data structure whose individual elements can differ i type.the elements of structure are called mambers