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Q: What are two conditions that students keep constant?
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What are two variables held constant when testing boyles law in manometer?

Temperature & mass keep constant in Boyle's law. Volume and pressure are variable.

Gause's exclusion principle refers to?

It just is that two species competing for the same resource can not exist if all other ecological factors are held constant. Held constant is important here. A time varience in species feeding, such as diurnal vs nocturnal would not be holding ecological conditions constant. so, if held constant in ecological conditions, one species woul be excluded from the resource.

Why does he keep in constant contact with his exgirlfriend?

They are good friends despite breaking up; the two are not mutually exclusive.

What are the conditions under which you can expect to be able to use a binomial distribution to model a probability distribution?

Two independent outcomes with constant probabilities.

When scientists record the volume on a gas why do they also record the temperature and the pressure?

because the volume of the gas is dependent upon the temperature and pressure. This is also important in the identification of the molecular mass of an unknown gaseous element.

Under what conditions is the production possibilities frontier linear rather than bowed out?

When the Opportunity Cost or the tradeoff between the two goods is always at a constant rate.

Name two things you need to keep the same to help make tests fair in science?

Some ways which you make tests fair: -Try keep the temperature constant -Try to make as many conditions apart from the IV (the thing your changing) the same -Repeat 3 times in case of anomalies which don't show how the test should have turned out

What are the two types of constant in c plus plus?

Constant data and constant functions.

What do you do to increase the amount of pressure by whwere the force is applied?

Since Pressure is Force per Unit Area (P = F/A), there are intuitively two ways to increase pressure. You can either keep the area constant and increase the force being applied, or keep the force constant and decrease the area on which the force acts.

How does the mass change when the volume is increased two times?

When volume is increased two times, mass is also doubled. This is because density of a particular material always remains constant, (d=m/v), so to keep density constant, volume increase is balanced by mass increase.