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Q: What are two continents to have the longest days around December 21?
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Which season are the days the longest?

summer. In the southern hemisphere the summer solstice (longest day) is around 22nd December. In the northern hemisphere it is around the 22nd July.

What month has the shortest period of daylight in New York State?

Anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest days are in June, and the shortest days are in December. The longest day of the year is June 21, and the shortest day is December 21.

Which months have the longest days?

The longest days of the year occur around the summer solstice, when the Earth's poles point toward and away from the sun. In the northern hemisphere it's about June 21, and in the southern hemisphere it's about December 21. In the opposite hemisphere, meanwhile, these days will be the shortest.

The longest day of the year?

For the northern hemisphere, the day with the most hours of sunshine is usually around June 21st, known as the summer solstice. It can vary by a few days though. For the southern hemisphere, the longest day is around the 21st December.

Is the solar day longest in July or January?

Solar days are the times of days that are tracked on the calendar. The days are longest in December and June at the solstices, not in January or July.

Which month of the year has early sunrises and late sunsets?

In the northern hemisphere, this would be June, while in the southern hemisphere it would be December. The longest days of the year are always around the summer solstice when the sun shines the longest in that particular hemisphere.

What happens if your period is over 14 days?

contact a docter, this is not normal, the longest you should have it for is around 7 days

What day and month has a longest day?

If you have to pick a single month, ti would be December - which is when the Winter solstice occurs. The 31 day period with the longest hours of darkness would be from 15 days before the Winter solstice to 15 days after winter solstice. The Winter solstice occurs on 21 Dec or 22 December (depending on the year). So most of that period falls within the month of December.

When are days longer on an equinox or solstice?

Days are longest when a summer solstice is being experienced. That is in June in the northern hemisphere and in December in the southern hemisphere. At an equinox, the lengths of days are equal all around the world, with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. At a winter solstice, which is in June in the southern hemisphere and December in the northern hemisphere, the days are at their shortest. For the two solstices, where exactly you are on the planet will affect the lengths of the day.

What is June 21 and December 21 importance?

solstices (summer and winter) time. Increments

Which month in Antarctica is the longest?

Same as the rest of the world. There are 31 days in January, March, May, July, August, October and December.

Which day of the year is long?

In the southern hemisphere the days around the December solstice are the longest. In the northern hemisphere the days around the June solstice are the longest. The length of the day changes about a millisecond over the course of a year. It gradually increases in the norther hemisphere winter, when Earth rotates more slowly, and decreases in the summer. There are also longer patterns of changes in the length of day that last decades, even centuries.