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Q: What are two effects that can cause collagen to break down?
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Can lipase break down gelatin?

No, lipases are enzymes that digest lipids, i.e. glycerides or cholesterols, into smaller parts. Gelatin is composed mostly collagen, which is a protein. Thus, to break down collagen you would need a protease.

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Fluctuating temperatures have diverse effects on rocks. This may cause freezing, thawing and break down of the rocks among other effects.

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Fluctuating temperatures have diverse effects on rocks. This may cause freezing, thawing and break down of the rocks among other effects.

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Microorganisms help break down and decompose food. These microorganisms are what cause food to spoil and grow mold on it.

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It breaks down the rocks

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No. Each medicine has different effects on your body.

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Boiled amylase is inactive and will not break down starch very well.

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Sometimes earthquakes cause fire How?

it can cause a fire if a house get knocked down and the electrical break a fire can start

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Chemical weathering breaks down rocks