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Other examples of the ecosystem are trees, water, plants, and humans. These are examples od an ecosystem because we rely on trees to give us oxygen, plants rely on us to give them Carbon dioxide, both trees and plants depend on water, and animals depend on plants to eat.

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Q: What are two examples of am ecosystem other than a pond?
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How do you describe a pond's population community and ecosystem?

I would put it is smaller than ecosystem

What effects would a diver than average summer have on a pond ecosystem?

The pond would have less water, and could go dry.

Why would there be less consumers than producers in a pond ecosystem?

Becuase the comsumers would starve if there were more of them then producers

A stable pond ecosystem would not contain?

consumers without producers

Why is the pyramid of biomass in the English channel inverted?

The inverted biomass pyramid is where the weight of the producers is less than the weight of the consumers. The inverted pyramid is more prevalent in aquatic ecosystems, as in such an environment, the biomass depends on the reproductive ability and the lifespan of the species. The best example is the pond ecosystem, where the mass of the producers of the ecosystem, which are generally the phytoplanktons is always less than the mass of the consumers in the ecosystem, which are generally fish and other insects.

What are 2 examples of an artificial ecosystem that has more biodiversity than a natural ecosystem?

crop land and aquarium milqui...^^ o.8

What kind of ecosystem has more biological diversity than any other ecosystem?

answer it yourself answers yyour website is called answers

How are pons and lakes different from each other?

a lake is bigger than a pond. obviously!

Does a swamp have brackish water?

yes, a pond is a fresh water ecosytem. Although the ecosystem is in the same biom as many other small ecosystem, the ecosystem contains many small communitys. The pond is a freshwater ecosystem because it contains small communitys that interect with each other and because its a fresh water source.

Is ocean ecosystem stable than forest ecosystem?

Any ecosystem is in a state of flux. stability is relative, and based on that nothing is really stable. ocean ecosystems are in a state of change the same as forest ecosystems.. neither can be said to be more or less stable than the other.

Which is largest a pond or a lake?

A lake is bigger than a pond.

How small are pond shrimp?

Pond Shrimp can be less than an inch