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Weather - Deaths may increase due to extreme weather such as heat wave. Elderly have better quality of life in a place with warmer weather (which is why Florida has so many Yankees retiring there) because certain weather is associated with a rise in diseases like the flu.

Climate can affect lives by determining the kinds of food we eat because certain crops grow better in certain climates. People in a warmer climate wear different clothing than those in a cold climate, etc.

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Climate can impact food availability by influencing crop yields and prices. Weather events, like hurricanes or wildfires, can disrupt daily routines and lead to property damage or evacuation orders, impacting personal safety and well-being.

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11y ago

It can affect you in many many ways

Like... If your planning to go walking and its raining, its not so nice anymore. Or if your outside and its super sunny you could get a sunburn or possibly tan. You kno stuff like that

Sorry that's probably not what ur looking for but oh well...

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11y ago

by making rain fall , by making the sun come out by giving us water from the rain

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12y ago

Climate can affect daily life because if the climate is too cold, it can freeze the water pipes in your home.

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this isnt what im looking for

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