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Q: What are two games that soldiers played to pass time?
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How did people use marbles during the American Civil War?

During the American Civil War, people often used marbles to play games. It is believed that many soldiers played games of cards or marbles to pass the time between battles.

What did people in world war 2 do to pass the time?

They played board games or the kids played with toys like hoops.

What did World War I soldiers do in spare time?

the soldiers wrote letters home,played games and built roads

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Smoke mad blunts

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To pass the time, what did soldiers in the civil war do?

Did the Romans had free time?

Most people in Roman times did not have much spare time. They were too busy working. They liked games though. Soldiers often played board games with counters and dice. Counters and boards for their games have been found. Archaeologists aren't always sure of the rules!

When were games made?

Games were made since Humans First came. What did they do to pass the time?

What did union soldiers do to pass the time?

Union soldiers spent their free time playing rowdy games of baseball and pitching horseshoes. Since during those times, many people could not read well, they would gather around one who would read aloud from books or newspapers. Others spent time sewing and patching up their uniforms.

What were some activities to pass the time in the Southern Colonies?

One of the activities to pass time involved singing and dancing. People also engaged in certain games as a way to pass time.

What did soldiers in World War 1 to in their free time?

Many played various games of cards and other creative word games they could find. If the soldier was a dilligent one he probably would have cleaned and greased his gun and weapons.

Did they ever play games in the Secret Annex?

Yes, the inhabitants of the Secret Annex did play games to pass the time and lift their spirits during their time in hiding. They played word games, charades, and even made up their own versions of existing games to keep themselves entertained while in hiding.

When was the first time hockey was played at the commonwealth games?

Hockey was first played at the 1998 Commonwealth Games.