

What are two good things about having a hybrid car?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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  • Lower emissions of CO and other greenhouse gases
  • Hybrids provide a better mileage.
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Q: What are two good things about having a hybrid car?
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Which two things does a hybrid car use to run?

a hybrid car uses electricity and gasoline.

What type of fuel should be used in a hybrid car?

This depends in the make of the hybrid car, but generally you can use regular unleaded fuel in your hybrid car without having an issue with your car. It is best to consult the deal about fuel before making a purchase.

What is a good hybrid sports cars?

The Subaro "Scrambler" is a very high ranked hybrid sports car, as well as the Madzda Miata and the Dodge Durango. The Lexus is also a very popular hybrid sports car, and it is a very good sports car.

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What are the bad things about having a car?

It releses carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that not good to breathe in.

Is an infiniti hybrid a good first car?

It might not be best for a hybrid to be your first car as you may not be used to the way hybrids work and would probably be more comfortable with a normal car.

Dodge Hybrid Cars?

Dodge hybrid cars have not received the most favorable reviews in the auto market. These cars actually do require a lot of gasoline, making their "hybrid factor" virtually ineffective. A lot of consumers also have had trouble with the engine of the Dodge hybrid. It is not a good car for the person who wants a car with good gas mileage. You will still have to spend thousands of dollars in gasoline with this car.

How much does a car that gets good mileage cost?

It depends if you want a hybrid, electric (does not need gas), or a normal car that has good gas mileage. A hybrid would probably be the best choice. The average new hybrid is about 15,000 to 25,000 dollars depending what make and model you get.

What are the new methods for electricity generation such as hybrid car and other things?

There is nothing new in a hybrid car: just motor/generators and batteries. The batteries have improved significantly recently, but they aren't new.

What Hybrid car has the best mileage?

I think the Prius is the hybrid car with the best mileage. I have shopped many websites looking for them, and overall they are the best. Of course, the smartcar is good too.

Research Hybrid Models before Buying?

Before going to a car dealership, it can be a good idea to do research on different hybrid models. You will often find information that car salespeople will not quickly share, such as a hybrid model having a poor air-conditioning system. Also, prices differ between dealers; research will easily allow you to find dealer prices and compare them to each other.

Hybrid Truck verses Hybrid Car?

Would it be better for you to get a hybrid truck, or to get a hybrid car? This will, no doubt, depend on your unique situation. If you constantly need to buy a lot of material, or haul heavy things, then you should definitely get a hybrid truck. Hybrid trucks are great for hauling passengers, as well. If you're only driving a short distance and you're only driving yourself to work, consider purchasing a hybrid car instead of a hybrid truck to save even more money on gas.