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One was Darwin's theory was the process of evolution by natural selection and the second one was Lyell's theory was that animals can adapt and change their traits to fit the environment.

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Q: What are two ideas about evolution that were proposed by scientists in the 18th century?
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Who are the people study about evolution?

Biologists, paleontologists, geneticists, and anthropologists are some of the scientists who study evolution. They analyze fossils, genetic data, and comparative anatomy to understand how species evolved over time. The theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, and his ideas laid the foundation for the study of evolution.

How do scientists tests ideas about chemical evolution?

Scientists test ideas about chemical evolution by using computer models.

How did the Zeitgeist contribute to the idea of evolution?

The Zeitgeist, or spirit of the time, during the 19th century was marked by a growing interest in progress, science, and the natural world. This intellectual climate laid the groundwork for the acceptance of evolutionary ideas proposed by scientists like Charles Darwin. The Zeitgeist encouraged the questioning of traditional beliefs and the exploration of new theories, making it more receptive to the concept of evolution.

How the ideas of other scientists influenced Darwin ideas and ultimately shaped his philosophies?

Darwin was influenced by ideas from other scientists such as Lamarck's theory of acquired traits and Malthus's principle of population. These ideas contributed to Darwin's concept of natural selection as the mechanism for evolution. Ultimately, Darwin's observations and synthesis of these ideas led him to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection, which revolutionized the field of biology.

Briefly describe two ideas about evolution that were proposed by scientist in the 18th century?

Darwin Which was the theory of evolution by natural selection. this is where the fittest species survive and pass on their traits. Lamarack which is the theory acquired characteristics . similar but wrong where it states animals will adapt and chage there thraist to fit in the environment and pass on their traits

Why are Charles Darwins' ideas so important?

He proposed a theory that attempts to explain why and the fact of evolution works.It is, so far, the best and most accurate theory that adequately explains why evolution happens.

Describe the ideas of Charles Darwin?

Charles Darwin invented evolution, he say on the Galapagos islands that there was the same bird on every island but with different beaks, so he thought that they just adapted to their surroundings. so there's his ideas...evolution is a highly debatable subject, currently there is more evidence against evolution however the scientists that believe in it keep the subject going with small tidbits of info.

Who forced Darwin to publish his ideas?

No one forced Darwin to publish his ideas on evolution and natural selection. However, he faced pressure from fellow scientists like Alfred Russel Wallace, who also developed similar ideas independently. Darwin published "On the Origin of Species" in 1859.

What is the meaning of proposed system?

your comments or ideas over the existing system is proposed system

What was Charles Darwin's ideas?


What was Darwin ideas?

the theory of evolution

How do scientists discuss new ideas?

Scientists usually publish their new ideas in a scientific journal. They can also hold a symposium to discuss the ideas, if they wish.