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make sure theres a load connected in a series. thats all i remember

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3y ago

Make sure is it properly secured to the circut.

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Q: What are two important things to remember whe using a ammeter?
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List two important things to remember when using an ammeter?

Make sure it is placed in the circut series so you can measure the electrical current at a specific point.

How do you measure voltage using a ammeter?

An ammeter measures amperage not voltage.

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How can find battry ampreas?

By using an Ammeter in series

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The disadvantage of using a voltmeter and ammeter on circuit measurements is that internal burden in both these instruments can affect circuit operation so much as to make a measurement useless.

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Electric current is measured using what device?

Electric current is measured using an ammeter. It is a device that is connected in series in an electric circuit to measure the flow of current passing through it.

What is the equipment used to measure an electrical current?

Electrical current is measured using an ammeter.

What is a multi range voltmeter?

Multi-range ammeter using universal shunt