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Q: What are two inventions that helped pioneers in the great plains?
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What two inventions helped pioneers on the Great Plains?

One was the barbed wire and two was the tool used to lift up sod. Hoped it Helps!!!

What inventions helped to farming on the great plains?

windmills... plows... you think of some! :)

What are the following ways that technology helped pioneers turned the great plains into productive farmland?

Hi dont now!!

Why did the pioneers want to go and settle great plains?


Who lived in the great plains before the pioneers or home steaders?

the native people lived there before the pioneers

How long did it take the Oregon pioneers to get to the great plains?

3 months.

5 inventions that helped farmers in the Great Plains?

I can give you one, barbed wire. It hepled people keep their livestock from running away.

African American pioneers on the plains?

The African-American pioneers who traveled to the Great Plains after the American Civil War referred to themselves as Exodusters. The name is a play on Exodus from the Bible.

Why did railroad owners want more pioneers to settle and farm the west?

great plains

Which inventions helped settlers on the Great Plains?

Dry-farming, plowing and planting in a way that conserved moisture. the use of the windmill to pump water from underground and the use of barbed wire to keep out stray cattle and sheep.

What was 3 of technology that help the pioneers on the great plains?

Babre wire repperse and iron plows

White pioneers on the great plains faced what problems?

other than the harsh landscape they had to deal with the Native Americans.